
Industrial Sectors
Industrial wastewater treatment describes the processes used for treating wastewater that is produced by industries as an undesirable by-product. After treatment, the treated industrial wastewater (or effluent) can be reused or released to a sanitary sewer or to a surface water in the environment. Our designs are customized as per the requirement of the clients.
We design PSTP, STP, ETP, CETP, Nitrate Removal Plant, DM Plant, RO Plant, WTP, Water Softner, Oil & Grease Trapper.
Advantages of our products: Latest Technologies (MBBR, MBR, FAB, Extended Aeration, Accelerated Sludge Removal Technology, SBR) Economical, Durable, Compact, Low Maintenance Cost, Extended Warranty Available, Low Operation Cost, Recycling of Water, Zero Discharge, Less Installation Time.
Domestics Sectors
One of the biggest consumer and waste water generator is from domestic sector. For effective use of water in household we have developed & branded our own Water Purifier Units. Our water purifiers are very much economical in day today operation.
Features: Economical, Durable, Light Weight, Low Maintenance Cost, Extended Warranty Available, Doorstep Service, EMI Facility Available.
Other than this we also build and operate domestic sewage treatment plant (STP) and domestic water treatment plant (WTP)